Ahhh – so many choices when it comes to what open source software to use: Joomla, WordPress, Drupal…but aren’t they at times – a little overkill? For smaller web designers like myself, I still get the usual client who just wants a simple website to advertise their services. Most of the time they will have […]
Cufonize Your Pages – How to add Cufon to your Web Design
I’m a big fan of Woothemes. It seems that each time they come out with a theme – they push the boundaries of web design. Take a look at their latest creation: Therapy – I can’t help but fall in love with the fine background gradients, smooth and seamless transparencies and nice rounded edges. But […]
Taming the Grid – Align your WordPress posts perfectly using PHP and CSS
Grid based web design is becoming an art that each web developer must master. News portals, magazine layouts as well as showcase websites all adhere to the intricacies of the grid – which when mastered, is definitely a good addition to your web skill arsenal. We all know that a typical grid design uses some […]
Getting Rid of Unwanted Backslashes in WordPress Form Input
As I was following the tutorial on How To Create a Theme Options Page for Your WordPress Theme, from ForTheLose.org, I stumbled upon an irritating issue. I wanted to create an option where you can paste your Google Ad Sense code from the theme admin panel. The problem is, as soon as I drop stuff […]
Styling Your Widgetized Sidebar
There’s no real correct way on how a sidebar should look. But since the dawn of HTML, we’ve seen sidebars that span vertically in the left, right – twin column, triple column – heck – I’ve even seen them in the middle! (I guess that wouldn’t be a sidebar then would it?). Nonetheless, the sidebar […]
How to Create a Slick jQuery Login Form for WordPress
Every WordPress site has its login form in its own page located at: yoursite/wp-admin. But what if you want this form to appear in a more convenient place such as your header template? This will add flexibility to your blog by making your admin pages more accessible. Furthermore, adding a little jQuery makes this form […]