From time to time, I write real generic articles about JavaScript that may be common knowledge and/or that is featured in other websites and videos. These articles really serve myself a purpose. More like a “note to myself” – so instead of searching, I just go to my website and voila! Today it’s one of […]
Blog a gold mine of content for Web Developers
I’ve been a Software Engineer for many years. And for the past few, JavaScript has been emerging with newer, better and shinier things. But like many others, I’ve been having a little bit of JavaScript fatigue. Lately, I’ve been looking to other frameworks with more stability. Something that I rely on – that will work […]
How to Import a .fig file for Editing in Figma
Ah – so you’ve got yourself a .fig file and you’re wondering what to do with it. Did you know that .fig files are easy to use templates that is primed for further tinkering and collaboration? Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just dipping your toes into the world of digital design, importing your .fig […]
How to create an Accordion Block using React and WordPress’ Block API
I was tasked with creating a custom component for our public website which runs on WordPress. Most commonly known as an “Accordion“, it is a section of a page where you can have a title and an expandable and collapsible directly underneath it. Usually a list of these items are blocked together – forming an […]
Let’s write a simple search component using React and FluentUI
I’ve been using a lot of FluentUI lately. This is mainly because my work has chosen the Microsoft stack for our intranet portal. FluentUI keeps the look of our apps consistent across the board – so users won’t be able to tell custom code and off the shelf. FluentUI uses React under the hood, so […]
Use sessionStorage for caching data from your backend API
Full stack applications that are decoupled (when the front end is totally detached from the backend) can have a lot of drawbacks. One of those is when communication between the two takes too long. Laggy response times from your backend greatly depreciates the user experience. Nobody likes waiting for stuff to load. And no – […]