Oh no, another JavaScript framework to learn. At first, it sounds bad. But its a good thing actually. Because being stagnant in coding is bad. Always learning new things is the way to go. Besides, newer frameworks (especially in JavaScript) show what older frameworks could’ve done better. This is the case with Lightning Web Components […]
Adding Google reCaptcha to our Next.js Comments Form
In my last post, we’ve added the comments area to our single post page. This included the comments list, along with the comments form. Remember we’re still working with the framework Next.js and WordPress REST API. But what good is a form if all we get is junk? What is stopping bots from spamming our […]
Easy Comments Area for the Single page – using Next.js
Now that we’ve got our basic single component (named [slug].js), which displays a single post, let’s look at how easy it is to add the comments area. First, let’s build 2 components: 1) CommentList.js and 2) CommentForm.js. In Next.js, when creating components that doesn’t use a route – we place them in the “components” directory. […]
Coding the Single Post component with Next.js
Still working with Next.js and WordPress here – as described in my previous post. I’m at the single post now, and as it turned out – it’s really easy to build the basic functionality. So in Next.js – you simply add a component in the “Pages” directory to “route” the requests. For dynamic routes – […]
Building a Headless CMS with Next.js and WordPress
Say what? Why would I want to use Next.js for the front end for a WordPress website? I’ve already covered a couple of ways to do a single site WordPress – using React or Vue that work just fine. Why “headless”? Why complicate things? Believe it or not, there are plenty of reasons to use […]
Woo Hoo! I passed the AWS Certified Developer Exam :)
After a few months of studying, I finally got my AWS developer certificate. I felt like I was back in school. Flashcards, memorization, projects, practice exams – the works. AWS is a ginormous collection of services. See, even though its a developer cert – you have to know a lot more than that. For starters […]