React has become the premiere choice of frameworks for front end developers. I must say, having used it on and off since its early versions – it is quite the tool for building web pages and applications. This means that there is a whole lot of good articles out there about React.

Such as this one that I found written by Obed Parliapano called A Visual Guide to React Mental Models.
Halfway through the article, I bookmarked and kept reading. Thought to myself, damn this is a really good explanation of React (as well as components, JSX and JavaScript itself). Not only with words, but with visual imagery as well. I agree with his approach of having “Mental Models” in trying to understand complicated things. React is one of those things. And yes, a mental model really helps.
The author asks to share the article and since I enjoyed it so much I’m going to do a step further and write about it. Be sure to check it out.